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Usine Nouvelle 2025 ranking: ESTACA in the Top 10

06 February 2025 School
Viewed 359 times

Out of 127 French engineering schools, ESTACA ranks 10th overall and 3rd out of 72 post-baccalaureate engineering schools in Usine Nouvelle 2025. In particular, professional integration and proximity to companies are recognized in this ranking.

The ranking is based on public data from the Commission des Titres d'Ingénieurs (CTI), supplemented by data from the Conférence des Directeurs des Ecoles Françaises d'Ingénieurs (CDEFI). The ranking is based on four main criteria: professional integration, proximity to the business world, research and international scope.

L'Usine Nouvelle cites ESTACA for its significant progress since last year: "ESTACA gained 24 places between 2024 and 2025: this leap forward is due in particular to the addition of the indicator relating to the school's ability to direct students towards industrial sectors. According to the data, 93% of ESTACA graduates go into industry after graduation.

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Integration, a key criterion at ESTACA

One of the strengths of engineering schools, and of ESTACA in particular, is the quality of job placement. The school ranks 3rd overall among engineering schools on this criterion, which includes data on the percentage of graduates who have found a job quickly, the number of weeks of compulsory internships and the median annual salary of young graduates.

A minimum of 12 months of internships in their chosen field of study from the 2nd year onwards, academic projects in conjunction with companies, company forums, etc. give our students a pragmatic vision of the world of work and the sectors in which they will be working after graduation. They are operational and specialized by the time they enter the job market, qualities that are highly appreciated by companies.

Proximity to companies, another ESTACA strength

Another very important criterion at ESTACA, and related to the previous one, is its strong links with companies. The school ranks 15th overall. The involvement of professionals in courses (70% of teaching staff), the proportion of projects, the 350 professionals present at the Business Forums, the members of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board made up of industrialists, the 10,000 alumni of the School: all these elements testify to the importance of ESTACA's proximity to companies, which contribute to defining the direction and evolution of training and research.

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