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Le Figaro ranking: ESTACA ranked 5ᵉ among post-bac engineering schools

16 December 2024 School
Viewed 307 times

Le Figaro has just published its 2025 ranking of post-baccalaureate engineering schools. Based on the criteria of academic excellence, international scope and professional integration, this ranking places ESTACA 5th among the best post-baccalaureate schools, and 2nd among private schools.

Le Figaro ranks ESTACA 5th among post-baccalaureate engineering schools

ESTACA confirms its position from last year in the rankings of public and private post-baccalaureate schools combined, coming in 5th place. It ranks 2nd among private post-baccalaureate schools.

Based on certified data from the Commission des titres d'ingénieurs (CTI) and Parcoursup, this ranking highlights :

  • Academic excellence: selectivity of the school, baccalaureate results of incoming students and number of PhD students supervised by the school's researchers and teacher-researchers.
  • International: proportion of foreign students among graduates, as well as those who have obtained a second degree, spent at least three months on internships or found their first job outside France.
  • Professional integration: gross salaries without exit bonuses for graduates of the most recent class, the proportion who found a job in less than two months, the size of the alumni network and the number of engineers graduating in the last three years who have set up a company.

With an overall score of 17.4/20 (16.3/20 in 2024), ESTACA stands out for its proximity to companies (18.3/20) (16.4 for academic excellence and 16.8 for International).

Ranking of the best post-bac schools 2025

Click here to see the ranking of the best post-baccalaureate schools 2025.

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