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Professionalization contracts in the rail sector

26 September 2023 School
Viewed 242 times

Launched in Laval a few years ago, professionalization contracts are now coming to ESTACA Paris-Saclay. This year, they concern twelve 5th year students in the railway sector.

How does it work?
This scheme concerns students who are doing their 5th year in a sandwich course under a professionalization contract. This type of contract combines theoretical training at the École with practical experience within a company. In the first semester, students spend three weeks at ESTACA and one week at the company. This is followed by a six-month assignment as part of the final internship.

A pilot role for the rail industry
The rail industry is very open to this type of contract. So it's only natural that this scheme should be launched in this sector, which is keen to take on work-study students. Twelve students from the railway sector chose to embark on the adventure on a voluntary basis. Selected on the basis of the maturity of their career plans, they took the first steps towards finding jobs and companies, with the help of the sector manager. They join around ten companies: Alstom, SNCF Group, Colas Rail, etc.

What are the benefits?
For the student, it's an advantageous formula that enables him or her to follow a year's training without paying tuition fees, since these are paid for by the company. The student is also remunerated as an employee under a professionalization contract. They therefore have the same rights and duties as other employees of their host company. Of course, they also gain valuable professional experience, which they can use to great advantage on their CVs.
For the company, it's a way of training future engineers in their profession and corporate culture, and getting them up and running more quickly. It's also a way of attracting young people and retaining them after graduation.

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