
Continuing Education develops its decarbonation offer
The effects of global warming are having an impact on our daily lives. Everyone must strive to adopt new, more virtuous, more civic-minded behaviors. New words and expressions such as "energy sobriety", "ecological transition" and "recyclability" are now part of our vocabulary.
By way of example, by setting the CO2 threshold for new cars at an average of 95 grams per kilometer by 2021, the European Union intends to redirect the production of all automakers. Emissions exceeded 120 grams in 2018, and are still a long way from the target of 60 grams by 2030.
With a fleet of 1.2 million electric vehicles by 2023, we're on the right track, even if we're still a long way from the 20 million electric vehicles that leave Chinese factories every year. From electric vehicle components to batteries, powertrains and power electronics,ESTACA's continuing education program offers a wide range of modules focusing on vehicle electrification, such as the "Fuel cells for transport" course in the attached video.
In addition to electric vehicles, certain transport sectors are investing heavily in the development of hydrogen. ESTACA offers a range of scientific and technical courses on this energy vector. The hydrogen offer has been expanded to include a focus on "the safety of hydrogen-powered vehicles".
In 2024, ESTACA decided to extend its hydrogen offer to the aeronautics sector. This sector is undergoing a veritable revolution. Weakened by the Covid crisis, the air transport sector has seen its numbers fall, then rise again: with the lightening of materials, new SAFT fuels, or the hydrogen combustion engine... so many new modules, which are at the heart of the challenges awaiting the aeronautics sector.
Find out more about all the training courses on offer at
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