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Le Figaro ranking: ESTACA, 5th post-baccalaureate engineering school

12 March 2024 School
Viewed 504 times

Le Figaro has just published its 2024 ranking of post-baccalaureate engineering schools. Based on the criteria of academic excellence, international scope and professional integration, this ranking places ESTACA 5th among the best post-bac schools, and 2nd among private schools. ESTACA had already been acclaimed in January by high school students asone of the most attractive schools on Parcousup, according to another ranking by Le Figaro.

Le Figaro ranks ESTACA 5th among post-baccalaureate engineering schools

ESTACA moved up one place on last year's ranking of public and private post-baccalaureate engineering schools to 5th place. It ranks 2nd among private post-baccalaureate schools.

Based on certified data from the Commission des titres d'ingénieurs (CTI) and Parcoursup, this ranking highlights :

  • Academic excellence: selectivity of the school, baccalaureate results of incoming students and number of PhD students supervised by the school's researchers and teacher-researchers.
  • International: proportion of foreign students among graduates, as well as those who have obtained a second degree, spent at least three months on internships or found their first job outside France.
  • Professional integration: gross salaries without exit bonuses for graduates of the most recent class, the proportion who found a job in less than two months, the size of the alumni network and the number of engineers graduating in the last three years who have set up a company.

With an overall score of 16.3/20, ESTACA stands out for its proximity to companies (17.3.6/20), compared with 15.6 for academic excellence and 14.9 for international relations.

Ranking of the best post-bac schools 2024

Click here to see the rankings of the best post-baccalaureate schools 2024.

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