Deaths - Tribute
We are sad to announce the death of Nathan Ferchaud, an ESTACA 2020 graduate, who died accidentally this week.
An excellent student and committed to the School, he was much appreciated by his teachers and fellow students.tudied on the Laval campus and was very active in the School's community life, notably as a member of both the Krab'z and O Del Pepez BDEs. A car enthusiast, he was also instrumental in the success of the Jema by ESTACA project within the ITD association, which brought together a 100% student team to take part in the Coupe de France des Circuits in the "Endurance Prototype" category.
After graduating from ESTACA, Nathan went on to study for a Specialized Master's degree at Arts et Métiers to acquire additional skills in electric and autonomous vehicle charging infrastructure. He graduated top of his class. He then joined Phoenix Mobility in Grenoble, a company specialized in retrofitting, as an Embedded Systems Engineer.
The School's management, all the staff and all his fellow students share the grief of Nathan's family and friends.
The entire ESTACA community will remember his smile and his commitment to collective success and to building a better future.
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