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AI: digital responsibility and the war for talent

G9+ Institute annual meeting

Institut G9+ meeting on March 18, 2024 at the Salons de l'Hôtel des Arts et Métiers in Paris

"Artificial intelligence, digital responsibility, war for talent: insoluble equation? Or trifecta?"

Artificial Intelligence is transforming the way we work, but how can we balance its growing efficiency with our ethical values?

Faced with the ubiquity of AI, how can we ensure ethical, transparent and non-discriminatory decisions, and what is the Digital Responsibility of companies and individuals?

The intense talent war to attract the best AI talent raises challenges. How can companies guarantee continued access to specialist skills?

Unsolvable equation or winning trio? We'll explore whether these challenges constitute an impossible equation or, on the contrary, whether the synergy between AI, digital responsibility and the war for talent can drive innovation and foster sustainable growth.

Now is the time for discussion and reflection on these major issues that are shaping our professional future, and to this end we are privileged to welcome renowned speakers whose participation has already been confirmed:

Introduction by Ana SEMEDO, vice-president of Mines digital and Luc BRETONES, honorary president of Institut G9+.

Keynote "Context and issues" by Laurence DEVILLERS : Professor of AI at the Sorbonne

Roundtable: AI and the war for talent: Needs, risks and opportunities

Round Table: Prospects for new trajectories for Augmented Talent and Intelligence

  • Laurence DEVILLERS IA Professor at the Sorbonne
  • Laurent CHAMPANEY Managing Director, École des Arts et Métiers and President, Conférence des grandes écoles
  • Thibaut GUILLUY Managing Director, France Travail
  • Alain ROUMILHAC - President, Manpower Southern Europe

Conclusions: Ethics and responsibility by Jean-Gabriel GANASCIA French computer scientist and philosopher

News from the G9+ Institute : Didier CARRE, President of the G9+ Institute

These eminent personalities will bring their expertise and vision to bear on the complex challenges of artificial intelligence, digital responsibility and the war for talent. Together, we will explore whether this equation is truly insoluble or whether, on the contrary, it can result in a trifecta for our society and our businesses.

Full price: €40.00

Student: €29.00

Monday 18 March 2024
18:00 - 20:00 (GMT +1)
Hôtel des Arts & Métiers
9 Av. d'Iéna
75116 Paris

Hôtel des Arts & Métiers

9 Av. d'Iéna
75116 Paris

Additional information (parking, underground, etc.)

Metro lines 9 Iéna, 6 Boissière

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Monday 18 March 2024
18:00 - 20:00 (GMT +1)
Hôtel des Arts & Métiers
9 Av. d'Iéna
75116 Paris
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