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Mobility of the future: Economic performance or sustainable development, should we choose?


Conference series: "The automobile of tomorrow, the convergence of so many expectations".

Debate-Conference No. 4: "Mobility of tomorrow: Economic performance or sustainable development, should we choose?

For this first edition of 2025, we're focusing on a key challenge: integrating sustainable development while taking into account economic imperatives and value chain transformation, against a backdrop of severe tensions for the automotive industry.

An exceptional panel for a global vision

To cover the entire value chain, we have brought together three renowned speakers and a moderator who is an expert in the field:

  • Christophe Périllat, CEO of Valeo, will provide a strategic and operational perspective from the OEMs' point of view.
  • Jean-Philippe Bahuaud, CEO of The Future is Neutral, will share the automakers' vision of the challenges and opportunities linked to the sustainable transformation of the value chain.
  • Marc Mortureux, Managing Director of the Plateforme de la Filière Automobile (PFA), will shed valuable light on the legislative and regulatory framework.
  • Jean-Michel Pinto, Partner at Roland Berger, will lead and moderate the discussions.

This meeting will provide an opportunity to discuss concrete solutions for combining sustainability and competitiveness, while anticipating future challenges and opportunities.

X-Auto, with the support of the Auto and Mobility Clubs of the Grandes Ecoles, invites you to attend this face-to-face debate/conference on Monday March 17, 2025, from 7.15pm to 10pm, at the Salons de l'Hôtel des Arts et Métiers, 9bis Av. d'Iéna, 75016 Paris, France (grande salle La Rochefoucauld).

The event will be followed by a cocktail reception where discussions can continue in a more informal setting.

Reservations required (before 3pm on the day of the event)

The event is open to all, network members and non-members alike.

Monday 17 March 2025
19:15 - 22:00 (GMT +1)
Salon de l'Hôtel des Arts & Métiers
9bis Av. d'Iéna
75016 Paris

Salon de l'Hôtel des Arts & Métiers

9bis Av. d'Iéna
75016 Paris

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Monday 17 March 2025
19:15 - 22:00 (GMT +1)
Salon de l'Hôtel des Arts & Métiers
9bis Av. d'Iéna
75016 Paris
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