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A short program in China for work-study students

05 June 2024 School
Viewed 66 times

Three students from the engineering apprenticeship program, specializing in vehicles, autonomous and connected systems, left for China from April 16 to 26 to take part in a short program offered by Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU). This Chinese university, an ESTACA partner since 2016, specializes in aeronautics, space and naval engineering.

A program in line with ESTACA training

The aim of the two-week program was to strengthen friendships with partner universities through cultural and academic exchanges. The program included courses focusing on science and technology, handicrafts, traditional Chinese cultures, as well as activities exploring the city of Xi'an. The overall theme, "Digital Automation, Intelligent Connection", was fully in line with the specialization of our apprenticeship students.

Clémence, a 4th year student, explains:

This experience in China really broadened my perspective on the world. It allowed me to step out of my comfort zone, explore new horizons and develop an open-mindedness that I wouldn't otherwise have been able to acquire. I'm deeply grateful to have had this opportunity and would highly recommend it to anyone wishing to broaden their academic and cultural horizons.

Why did you apply for this program in China?

I chose to apply to go to China for several reasons. Firstly, I was attracted by the reputation of the Chinese education system for excellence. Secondly, as one of the world's major economic and scientific powers, I wanted to discover scientific research at a renowned university like Northwestern Polytechnical University. Finally, I was curious to immerse myself in an exceptional cultural heritage and explore a culture I knew little about.

How did your stay go?

We were warmly welcomed by the university's teachers and staff. We were accompanied at all times by Chinese students with whom we established strong links. They guided us around the city and we were able to discuss our cultural differences.

What did you learn from the experience?

It was a very rich experience, both academically and personally. Academically, I was exposed to stimulating research topics and interacted with passionate professors. On a personal level, the exchange with Chinese students enabled me to better understand and appreciate their way of life and culture. It also reinforced my desire to travel and explore other horizons, perhaps as part of future university exchanges!

What didyou like best?

Living the daily life of Chinese students was a deeply enriching experience. In addition, exploring the fascinating history of the city and the Silk Road was an exciting adventure. The city is full of interesting places to discover!

Difficulties encountered?

At first, the language barrier was a challenge, but we quickly overcame it by learning a few words of Chinese to communicate with the shopkeepers and using translation tools. What's more, communicating with the students in English made it much easier for us. Apart from that, our stay went off without a hitch, and NPU's program really made things easy for us!

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