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A new partnership with AEROCAMPUS Nouvelle-Aquitaine

23 July 2024 School
Viewed 193 times

Located in Bordeaux since 2022, ESTACA is developing its involvement in local networks and has signed a partnership agreement with the Campus des Métiers et des Qualifications d'Excellence Aéronautique et Spatial. The aim is to federate training courses to meet the recruitment challenges in these two sectors.

The AEROCAMPUS Aquitaine project: pooling training opportunities to better meet the needs of companies in the aerospace industry

The Campus des métiers brings together secondary and higher education establishments to focus on a sector of excellence corresponding to a national or regional economic challenge. They develop privileged links with local companies, and make it easier for students to receive on-the-job training. They also encourage the creation of prototypes, by making technical platforms available to the campus. It's a place conducive to technological innovation in all its forms, and to skills transfer.

AEROCAMPUS Nouvelle-Aquitaine is supported by the Rectorat de Bordeaux, the Conseil Régional de la Nouvelle-Aquitaine and the AEROCAMPUS Aquitaine association. It is equipped with a wide range of training facilities (classrooms, multi-purpose rooms for practical work, aeronautical workshops, technical platforms, aircraft hangars, etc.) and innovative teaching tools (immersive virtual reality room, A 320 maintenance simulator, etc.).

ESTACA is committed to working alongside AEROCAMPUS to develop its training courses in line with industrial needs, and to raise awareness of the wide range of career paths and opportunities available in the industry.

Thanks to this agreement, ESTACA and AEROCAMPUS are committed to working together on joint initiatives focused on the aeronautics and space industries. A joint reflection on the adaptation of the training offer, qualification requirements and necessary developments is planned to better meet the needs of companies.

The two institutions also agree to contribute to the implementation of actions on the following themes:

  • Information on professions, training paths and training developments
  • Clarity of training paths
  • Development and adaptation of the training offer
  • International openness

As part of this agreement, ESTACA undertakes to share materials and/or equipment, and to involve our students and teachers in events such as organizing workshops in high schools, organizing visits to the school, taking part in trade fairs, and so on.

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