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21 September 2023

Appointments - ARCURE : Arcure evolves its governance structure

Arcure, an international group specializing in artificial intelligence, is announcing a change in its governance and managerial organization, which will take effect following an extraordinary general meeting to be held on
September 21, 2023.
Arcure's management team, led by Franck Gayraud, would also include a Deputy Managing DirectorJean-Gabriel Pointeau, Arcure's Director of Strategic Partnerships, and a Deputy Managing Director, Cédric Chassagnol, Arcure's Technical Director.

An engineering graduate of ESTACA in 2000, Cédric CHASSAGNOL began his career at RENAULT in the Electrical Engineering and Electronic Systems Division, where he led a number of development projects for on-board electronic equipment.
electronic equipment. In 2011, he joined Alstom's signalling branch, where he was responsible for the deployment of the signalling system for a major metro line project involving major exports. In 2015, he was promoted to head of the Interlocking department, a 70-strong team responsible for the design of equipment managing the layout of routes and itineraries guaranteeing the safe movement of trains. He joined Arcure in January 2019 as Technical Director and is a member of the CODIR and the Strategic Committee.

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