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Conference/debate: Transition of automotive uses and services in France

Organized by Ingénieurs et Scientifiques de France, with the support of the Inspection générale de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable and Plate-Forme Automobile Filière automobile & mobilités, in partnership with ATEC ITS France

Registration by e-mail only to before September 12, 2023

(there will be no online broadcast or recording of the debates)

Places limited to 80 people


  • Pierre-Alain ROCHE, Chairman of the Mobility and Transport section of the French General Inspectorate for the Environment and Sustainable Development, will present, in the light of the challenges of ecological and climatic transition, a 10-15 year outlook for the evolution of automobile use, taking into account : the geography of territories and reasons for mobility; the potential for alternative modes or shared use of the vehicle; the personal carbon footprints resulting from these mobilities.
  • Marc MORTUREUX, Managing Director of the PFA, Filière Automobile & Mobilités, will highlight the results and outlook for the automotive industry, particularly in view of the targets set by European and national European and national authorities, the costs of the main components in the value chain, energy costs for manufacturing and use, and global competition.
  • Claude ARNAUD, Chairman of the Transport Committee of the Ingénieurs et Scientifiques de France, will introduce the conference and present the main findings and questions concerning the current situation of the automotive system in France and its consequences for the future.system in France and its consequences for the acquisition of electric vehicles and the renewal of the 32 million cars in the French fleet. Following the two presentations, he will lead the general debate.

Friday 15 September 2023
17:00 - 19:00 (GMT +1)
Automotive Platform / Automotive & Mobility Sector
2 Rue de Presbourg
75116 Paris

Automotive Platform / Automotive & Mobility Sector

2 Rue de Presbourg
75116 Paris

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Friday 15 September 2023
17:00 - 19:00 (GMT +1)
Automotive Platform / Automotive & Mobility Sector
2 Rue de Presbourg
75116 Paris
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