One of the major challenges to the success of France's reindustrialization process, initiated by the public authorities and supported by all the stakeholders concerned, is the question of identifying, raising awareness of and mobilizing the necessary skills and talents, particularly for women.
Despite encouraging developments in recent years, women are still very much in the minority in many industrial sectors. Although they perform as well as or better than boys in school curricula, they remain less attracted to scientific and technical training and careers, at a time when leading and succeeding in transitions and developing France's sovereignty do not require the temptation of degrowth and an inward-looking philosophy, but rather increased mobilization.
Together, let's think about how we can enhance the image of industry among young people, and especially young women!
Program :
6 p.m.: Opening
- Olivier Mousson, President of the Société d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie nationale (French Encouragement Society for Industry)
- Monique Ronzeau, President of Femmes, Débat et Société (FDS)
- Manon Lejolivet, representative of La Facto !
- Hélène Mathis, scientific delegate in charge of innovation at CNRS Mathématiques, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Montpellier and researcher at the Institut Montpellierrain Alexander Grothendieck
6:20pm: Round-table 1 - Creating the desire for industry
What are the levers for attracting young women? What educational and cultural obstacles need to be overcome? What concrete solutions should be put in place?
- Valérie Brusseau, President, Elles bougent*, France
- Laurent Champaney, Director General, École nationale supérieure d'arts et métiers and President, Conférence des grandes écoles
- Valérie Faudon, Managing Director, SFEN
- Laure Viellard, Director, Belfort School of Technology and Business
- Brigitte Plateau, Professor at the Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble - Université Grenoble Alpes, former Director General of Higher Education, Research and Professional Integration at the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, and Member of the Académie des Technologies.
- Moderated by Catherine Tissot-Colle, Honorary Advisor to the CESE, co-pilot of the Femmes, Débat et Société " Women and Industry " group.
7.20pm: Round-table 2 - Success in industry
How can young women be integrated into industrial companies? How can we help them to develop their skills and find their place on a long-term basis?
- Moderator: Evelyne Sevin, Vice-Chairwoman, Société d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie nationale
- Sonia Artinian-Fredou, Managing Director, FIND-Climate
- Ludovic Donati, Vice-Chairman of AFNET, Director of Eramet's Lithium Project
- Claire Pedini, Deputy Managing Director, Human Resources and Corporate Social Responsibility, Saint-Gobain
- Valérie Ferret, Vice President 3DEXPERIENCE Edu, Dassault Systèmes
8:15pm: Closing and closing remarks
- Alexandre Saubot, Chairman, France Industrie
- Sylvianne Villaudière, Vice-Chairwoman of the Société d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie nationale, member of the Board of Directors, former Founding President of Femmes, Débat et Société23042024
8:30pm: Cocktail reception in the salons of the Hôtel de l'Industrie
With the support of La Facto ! - Collectif 2GAP - Fondation E5T - Femmes Ingénieures - PWN France - CNRS
Face-to-face meeting at the Hôtel de l'Industrie and live on the Société d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie Nationale social networks.
In partnership with Femmes Débats et Société #FDS